Macrogomphus quadratus Selys, 1878

Family: Gomphidae
Scientific Name: Macrogomphus quadratus
Common Name: Forktail

Macrogomphus quadratus is a large and distinctive gomphid which is quite rare in Singapore. This species inhabit sluggish forest streams in the Central Catchment Nature Reserve.

Macrogomphus quadratus has a very robust thorax with a thin abdomen. The upper part of the thorax has a very distinctive squarish yellow patches. The abdomen has a series of broad yellowish rings from segment 2 to 7.

Males often patrol along shallow forest streams or edges of the forest vegetation and remain active late in the day.

A male resting under full sun in the forest reserve.
It has large greenish eyes and large wings span.
Notice the very distinctive anal appendages.
This is a large beautiful gomphid species.
A female individual with a total different anal appendages.
Older specimen has darker green eyes.
Look at how it rests it’s hind legs on the twig.

This species can be found in the forests of Upper Seletar Reservoir, MacRitchie Reservoir as well as NSSF.

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